Our practice integrates virtual  spychotherapy sessions as a standard offering, a service that Mayerling Hurtado has been providing since 2011. This means that you can conveniently access the mental health support you need from anywhere in Ontario or Quebec, ensuring convenience and accessibility on your path to well-being.

What is Online Therapy?

Online therapy, also known as teletherapy or telehealth, is like regular in-person talk therapy but, instead of meeting in an office, you meet with your therapist over the internet via secure digital video platforms.

It is secure and confidential: we use a secure, fully confidential, PHIPA compliant video platform.

Online therapy offers the opportunity to schedule an appointment that may be a better fit your schedule and current life circumstances. A referral is not required.

Is Online Therapy effective?

Online therapy can be equally effective as in-person treatment. Online therapy has proven to be a valuable and effective mode of delivering mental health services. Its accessibility, convenience, and research-backed efficacy make it a viable option for
individuals seeking support and guidance for various psychological concerns. However, it’s essential to assess individual needs and preferences to determine the most suitable approach to therapy.

If you’re considering online therapy or have any questions about our services, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are here to support you on your journey towards mental well-being.

How does Online Therapy work?

It is simple and convenient, you just need to have a good internet connection -that is not public-, along with a smartphone, tablet, computer or laptop with a webcam and a private place where you feel comfortable speaking.

You might also want to use headphones for increased privacy, if desired. We will send you a link via email so that you can join your session. At the time of the appointment, simply click the link and you’ll be directed to your video session.

Clients are encouraged to check with their insurance plans to learn about their policies for online Psychology services.

Depending on your specific needs and goals, therapy can be short-term, for a specific problem area, or longer-term, to deal with recurrent life patterns or your desire for more in-depth personal growth.

For most people, it is difficult to actually make the decision to seek out treatment for a mental health concern. It’s not like anybody “wants” to go see a therapist or psychiatrist. However, most people who try psychotherapy end up liking it and appreciating their time with their psychologist as a chance to explore new ways of being, of thinking, of feeling. Do not let some discomfort keep you from beginning what you know will be best for you in the long term.

If you have some questions and you believe you need answers before booking your first session, you can book a 15 minutes free consultation to discuss them.


Psychotherapy sessions are offered on-line as a regular part of our practice so you can get the support for your mental health needs from wherever you are in Ontario or Quebec.

Book a NO-COST CONSULTATION and we can have 15 minutes, no obligation phone or secure video call to explore if this service would be a good fit for you.